A local Spotsylvania mother was kind enough to share her story and we felt it important to share with all of you – with her permission. Jenna Perrin is a mother to a 6 year old son. She is a paramedic, but had to ultimately take time off as she is currently battling chronic pancreatitis and is of higher risk for battling COVID. Because of taking time off of work, her living situation has become unreliable. Jenna was also the victim of a gruesome assault in September, which left her in the ICU for several weeks after undergoing two emergency surgeries and resulting in a period of time in the rehabilitation hospital. Both of these circumstances have resulted in Jenna having to put her important transplant surgery on hold. As a part of our #liftupyourcommunity we feel it is important to make our community aware of where help is needed and ask that anyone familiar with Go Fund Me or something similar and that is able and willing to take on this important cause, please do. Please reach out to us privately and we will provide more details on how to can contact her. We also ask that our community lift up this family in need in any way possible and to keep Jenna and her son in your thoughts and prayers! Also, if anyone is aware of any other individual/family/charity in need please share with the rest of us so we can help lift them up too. Thank you.https://www.facebook.com/jenna.perrin.5