An anonymous member of our community (thank you for sharing) just reached out to us about Emmet and his fiancé that are in need.

Emmet (different from the Emmitt that was recently in need of a bathroom renovation and wheelchair ramp) and his girlfriend at the time moved from Northern Virginia to Caroline county in 2008. Emmet was a carpenter for many years before back injuries left him disabled and his fiancé works in the grocery industry. They love God and our wonderful country. They plan to get married this year in October.

Shortly after buying their home in Caroline they started having significant issues and realized they had bought a lemon. Their house has deteriorated over the years mostly due to copper piping that has become brittle and can be squeezed with a hand… if they turn on the water in their house it leaks all over the place causing significant damage.

They have not had running water in their house for over 3 years. They pour bottled water into buckets and shower outside. Bottled water is also used for cooking and drinking water. Rainwater is collected to flush the toilets and clean the house amongst other things.

When we first approached Emmet about their situation and offered to help he said they are fine and are getting by. We told him that we would really like to share their situation with the community and see if anyone can help lift them up in their time of need.

He was hesitant at first but then realized he desperately needs assistance and would be extremely grateful for any help. He said the main issue is that he can’t afford the piping replacement that needs to be done, the materials needed to do all the repairs and because of his health will need assistance with labor. He said that he would be thankful for any help and said “it would be nice to take a real shower again”.

If you feel inspired to assist (with time, skills, resources, labor – doesn’t have to be for the entire project)) please contact us privately on Facebook, email us at, or call our office 804-633-4242 and we will provide more details for you to reach out and coordinate relief/assistance directly with Emmet.

We ask that each member of our community keep Emmet and his fiancé in your thoughts and prayers. We want to thank the anonymous member of our community that identified a person in need and acted on the prompting to help by communicating the situation.

If you become aware of someone in our community that is in need or deserves to be spotlighted for the goodness they do please let us know so we can share. Also, please communicate volunteer opportunities. Let’s not leave anyone out!#liftupyyourcommunity

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