About Us
To All Who Get Involved In This Movement,
Thank you for your wonderful efforts and desire to Lift Up Your Community. It is amazing and inspiring to see all the good that individuals do in local communities all over the world. We are humbled and feel joy as we participate in this movement.
We also appreciate your unique and inspired ways to fulfill our collective vision. Our mission is to “Lift up local communities throughout the world by working together to spotlight the goodness of community members, participate in and encourage volunteer service, and help individuals in need.” We desire EVERYONE in every community to get involved, feel welcomed and not leave anyone out.
In that effort, we want to make it abundantly clear that Lift Up Your Community is a NON-EXCLUSIVE organization. We invite and welcome EVERYONE to participate that wants to help fulfill our mission regardless of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation.
One of the most powerful lessons we are learning is that we are stronger and more impactful as we include and learn from individuals from all backgrounds as we serve and share together in the core principles of Lift Up Your Community. We humbly ask all who engage in this movement to refrain from making it partisan or exclusive in any way.
We feel that the core values of Lift Up Your Community are innate to all of us and universally accepted by all people everywhere.
As we stay true to this principle and focus our efforts on fulfilling our mission, we believe people from every corner of the world will engage in this fun and exciting work. Our diversity and inclusivity is one of our greatest strengths. What a joy it is to serve side by side with you in this life-changing movement.
Lift Up Your Community

Lift Up Your Community is a Non-Exclusive Organization